Thursday, February 16, 2012

What was all the hype about high gas prices?

I never understood what all the hoopla was about the "high" gas prices. My former coworker complained that her new Audi A6 had cost 80 bucks to fill up at the peak in July, and she is SO glad prices have come back down, because she had been scaling back on the grocery purchases. OK? And how much does it cost now? $50. So... 30 bucks did you in, huh? And the $48k you dropped on your car didn't? And what about the $130 dinner you and hubby enjoyed at Ruth Chris the other night? And that new Tiffany charm bracelet? Seriously people. Now, I feel for those who are genuinely living paycheck to paycheck on a modest lifestyle, but not 6-figure, dual-income households who have no kids and three cars.What was all the hype about high gas prices?
You have aptly described a few, however it is the many who suffer when these prices get out of control for no justifiable reason other than profit motive.

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